Doiron said he and his wife kept a tab of everything that came out of their 1,600-square-foot garden one growing season. “We found we saved over $2,000 by growing our own food,” Doiron said. Doiron said it is possible, even in Maine, to become self-sufficient — but that’s not the goal for most people. Part of Doiron’s mission is helping gardeners understand which crops offer the most savings, such as salad greens, which often carry a hefty price tag at the grocery store. “That’s an area the average Mainer can make some savings,” he said. “If you have limited space, it’s best not to grow squash or potatoes, because they can be found cheaply in supermarkets or farmers’ markets. You should grow the amount that fits with your lifestyle.
Grow your way out | The Morning Sentinel, Waterville, ME
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